Thursday, March 17, 2011

Templates для Ucoz

ItaliAmmassalik to 'Do the right thing "and Eskimo Kayak

From Friday 25 to Sunday, March 26
in Milan - Fair Milanocty

ItaliAmmassalik will be present at the stand of AITR - Italian Association of Responsible Tourism ( ) .

On Saturday from 14 to 15 hours will be presented to the public on Project

sincerely thank the organizers of AITR for the opportunity given to us to make known to audiences as large as the one that participates in and visit this event, the existence of this small and sensitive to Ammassalik Inuit in East Greenland.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Hair Curlesr For Arthritis

The kayak Ammassalik called Carqit , floating on the water, highly maneuverable and slim line, which offers little resistance to the wind, taken by manufacturers and modern present during the Championship of 2011 in Genoa Pontex Eskimo.

dell'Eskimo and maneuvering, which is called here in Ammassalik Magiddini !