come back with new news! : D I ♥ PARIS But mistake or not updating this blog for two weeks?! OO
Hello guys, very much and sorry for my absence!
I have been busy these days ..
First use every day for the preparation of my birthday, then I am dedicated to the review of some school subjects and then I enjoyed the last days of vacation * _ *
By day 16 I went to wake up at 6:45 in the morning: '(
The first day of school is of course was the most beautiful. I was able to meet again with all my classmates and was a great thrill
course, for me the first day of school also marks the true end of summer ', which I believe has gone too quickly.
The idea now but will return to spend the afternoon studying distresses me a lot, but at least I can count on your moral support! *-*
Between matter and the other by study will find some time to write here. I'll then
company? : D
But now we talk about something else, I have to offer some new ideas.
So I know how passionate they are in fashion and makeup, and this attracts me very much the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating Outfit and to review some prodottini.
What do you think?!
course to do what I can not trust the blog, but I'll go update my You Tube channel.
Let me know if you think you a good idea; D
Now I run that I have to go out ..