Taxe - suite ou final point? In France
"It will be European or will not," confirmed Jean-Francois Cope, the president of the UMP group in the National Assembly about the tax called Tax Contribution climate energy. The carbon tax to come into force in France from July 1, 2010 will not now be imposed on the French taxpayer before it was not adopted by other members of the European Union. The introduction of this new tax would have handicapped French industry against imports free of such charges and eco-irresponsible.
The suspension of the carbon tax receives echoes by various parties concerned. The president of MEDEF, Laurence Pariso is rather "relieved". Secretary of State for Ecology, Chantal Jouanno the contrary, "the desperate retreat" and laments the victory of "eco-skepticism."
Greens regret "this surrender in open country". "For the government, the future of the planet stops at 2012." According to Cecile Duflot is due to the lack of political courage Government and Nicolas Sarkozy.
Top ten French NGOs in environmental protection, in an open letter to president pose the question directly to the Head of State. "You signed the ecological pact. You are personally committed to making the carbon tax a cornerstone of your environmental policy," write including Climate Action Network France, Greenpeace, WWF or Friends of the Earth. "But the Prime Minister has announced its abandonment. The carbon tax is higher, and your promise, there is nothing left. The associations are outraged by the contempt that characterizes cette décision.
En les NGOs réclament CONCLUSION: "Monsieur le président, l'avenir du Mérite mieux que tout climat politique opportunism"!
Nicolas Sarkozy devrait engager une opération de Reconquista here it easy evening pas à mener.
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