Monday, November 29, 2010

Best Gloves To Wear For Cleaning Pools

my mirrors ... The oracle of the Sibyl

Today, a particular post and off topic ... I'll show you an example of the mirrors that I create. This is particularly concerning Tolkien (eh I thought XD) and represents the Gates of Moria.
I brought the mirror to the state exam and when I took him to Hobbiton was a huge success that I did not expect ... ^ ^

If you put a light source behind the mirror would be exactly like the doors of Moria. Will light up the design, making it even more magic mirror ... :) ~ neuthe / memory-Gate.jpg

"This is written in FĂ«anorians, after the manner of Beleriand: Ennyn Durin Aran Moria: pedo mellon a minno. Narvi Im hain echant: Celebrimbor teithant the thiw hin."
or "The Doors of Durin, Lord of Moria. Tell me, friends, and revenue. I, Narva, feces. Celebrimbor dell'Agrifoglio drew these signs."

This design is very nice and very important to Tolkien.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Walk In & Get Birthcontrol

Coupon Etsy - Etsy Coupon Codes

Good Sunday to all!
I returned with a great news for readers of the blog!
I just get a good discount to buy my creations on Etsy exclusively for readers of my blog! This means that if you order now you savings of 15% of the total purchase ... nice eh?
Hurry! You have until Christmas!
Here is the code to be entered at time of purchase: PROMOBLOG
Click here to go to the store and use your coupons!

you soon!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I Forgot My License At Home

Inuit Child Kukusuk - East Greenland

the Teatro Nuovo in Verona
Friday, November 26 at 18:30

Robert Peroni will be present and speak on the situation of East Greenland and Inuit Ammassalik. Speakers

other personalities, each of which present a difficult social situation: Christopher Clark will speak dell'Ammazonia, Silvie Pialouix Mali, Uganda Father Egidio.

The meeting will be presented by Franco Brevini , writer and mountaineer with developed numerous expeditions sull'inlandsis Greenland friend Robert Peroni.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Zack And Cody Max Music

Today I present a new book in the series Y Joints: "The oracle of the Sibyl."
An enigmatic book of ancient origin, always keep with you to answer any questions about your future. The book consists of a series half-sentences that composing with various numerical calculations provides an answer to every question I ask about the future. Whether you are skeptical or not, that you do because you believe it or just for fun, I recommend you try to ask a question at this precise oracle ... And then not be able to stop!

Who of you has the courage to try?

Title: The Oracle of Sybil
Author: Anonymous
Publisher: Giunti Y
Pages: 256
Price: € 9.90
Cover: bound
Year Released: 2010
ISBN: 9788809744073

At the bottom of an old library was found in a pamphlet in poor condition, with no cover and title page, and then we do not know the author, title, publisher and date of publication. It would be contained in the revelation of a "secret of the Sibyl," received not know how the author's ancestors and their preserved and handed down from generation to generation.
Given the strangeness of this "secret", which could also be a "game" or an original method, valid at all times, to question the ancient oracles, it was decided to revive the book to readers of today, by preceding it with a introduces the premise that, at least in part, to the knowledge of the famous and mysterious Sibyl. The following pages are dedicated illustration of the different games to query the Sibyl and the 99 cards that make up the method. About fifty pages pretracciate useful to transcribe the answers of the Sibyl claim the valuable edition.

This ancient text and magically found the secret will give you the power to call the Oracle and curiosity in your future.
Remember that the Sibyl is uncompromising and unambiguous, but also generous, you can bother you endlessly with your daily worries and anxieties. In this useful manual magically found, shows a practical and effective method of consultation that will give you answers that, as you may seem cryptic, contain the essence of your destiny.
What you have in your hands is an ancient text and secret and give you the power to consult the oracle and curiosity in your future.

Let the games begin.

Madame Ippolita Douglas Scotti Vigoleno

If you want to write under the question that you want to put the Oracle or send it via mail , claiming to accept the answer on the blog (and the question remains secret). Can you give me a single question about the future. If you want you can also tell you which of the two methods used to determine the response. In return I ask you to comment on whether the answer satisfies you or not and why.
Have fun! ^ ^

Philippe Charriol Armband

The eco-monsters of the Dolomites

These days, three small events overlapped and, although it has nothing to do with each other, a small wire connects them. The first two are public and appear in newspapers today: The photo of the skeleton dell'ecomostro Punta Perotti in Bari and the photo of the burning skyscraper in Shanghai, the third is about privacy and the logo of the Dolomites.
clarify the link soon. My firm has participated in the contest for the Dolomites and, frankly, seemed out of place in the heat of the controversy unleashed on the final choice. A cold, the analysis can be more focused and rational. I hang up, here, to the above. For work, we have to play on a printed new sponsorship of the Dolomites on a smaller scale, but not too much. The Foundation sent us the logo and proceed to a "test drive" is so called offset printing test.

few weeks ago, just saw the brand winner, we wondered how it would be possible to reduce it in scale without losing definition: those wires and the plot would certainly be "mixed." In fact, the test print was a disaster: the brand and its thick fillets 0.05 mm looks like a pile of snow with a red background decorated with small pine trees blurred. Unusable. My client, given the controversy, is concerned that the accused is improper. We ask the Foundation logo easier to read and send us back to first, with details to be printed in not smaller than 2 cm. We'll see what happens. I am confident in the skill of the printer.
Then I see the two photos I mentioned at the beginning. Two skeletons, one shot down, thankfully, to Punta Perotti, and one consumed by fire, the skyscraper in Shanghai. One, a skeleton of concrete demolished with explosives, the other one steel skeleton exposed by the fire that consumes him, an architecture that first hour was a symbol, a representation of an expanding economy, is now just an empty structure was burnt down with her, unfortunately, full of victims. This is the same, I say, and a series of images are formed in the mind: that's what those towers are the logo of the Dolomites! They are eco-monsters, no modern-metropolitan structures, the skeletons are still witnessing the wickedness of human stupidity. Far from the majesty of the mountains, the beauty and mystery of the 'endosadira ", the voltage of metamorphic rock in its layers, the passions and traditions that the Dolomites enclose and causing the visitors. Indeed, if it looks good the logo depicts, in a delirious structure, the three Peaks, plus a fourth, to the left. A good starting point for originality.
It was also undermined the delicate and profound thought of Moni Ovadia who invited us, as recently as last summer, to perceive the Dolomites in their essence, in the majesty and grandeur together, to "... approach them with humility, feeling foreign, to go up ... not to conquer. "
But what were the organizers? Were aware of what we require? And the jury, what was thinking when examining the work, knew what to ask for the ban? It was not too much effort to think, I think, if in a week, as stated by the same jury members, examined more than 450 papers: no more than 3-4 minutes each, given 6 days to 8 hours a day. But what is demanded, we who have taken part: that they read all the reports, one by one and gets excited every time for the poetry of what we've written? And what does the city planning department with a plan for graphic design? Ah ... I forgot: the engineers and architects, as proclaimed genes (also applies to me as an architect) since graduation, can bestow reviews on each subject. And what about the marketing people, "Centurions" of market choices and stone heads on the ground that mental agility, which in their sole discretion to decree the best solution, the worst of another? And what about the directors, those councilors that smile of circumstance defend the choice of a logo unpresentable before instampabile, only not to lose face in the Autonomous Province of Trento, which has taken on the burden of managing the competition and that you have not noticed the slightest opportunity that he lost? And what of those councilors who are ready to give assignments galore external consultants, avoid doing the obvious thing: to give life to a panel of real experts in graphic design, including at least one prominent name in the same place emphasis on the international competition?
Unfortunately there is not a professional sector that can ensure competent jury, because the point is this: that the jury had jurisdiction in terms of ability to choose?. The architect? The marketing men appointed by the different provinces? The commissioners "competent"? But let me pleasure! All people who, as regards the rich Trentino, runs fine for the Promotion of millions but can not see the many treasures of this earth, who can not create a network between tourism and business, including wine and architecture, nature conservation and economic interests, and forget that the true economic interest is just the conservation of nature, from the marks which must symbolize.
Certainly the presumption is that the "public" (meaning men of the public) is really embarrassing.
With arrogance and complacency defend their acquired rights but do not look small and do not see the interest of all. The real one, not the fine phrases. But perhaps it is in the public interest to spend € 45,000 plus expenses for a contest with this?
Then if the design and communication in Trentino are still considered only as a small drawing, art sometimes (!?), or more for a good theme for art school class, because there is are many journeyman, who crowd the waiting rooms. We are in the middle ages, Trentino for designers who work outside the province a lot, like me, or advertising agencies that are seen often outdated by the European Group. He could win quite a mark, even if not designed by a local study, of course, perhaps not shared by everyone, but high quality ideational: we won it all. Too bad, missed opportunity, a further demonstration that we were a small province.

Nainer Pio - Nuovevie

Monday, November 22, 2010

Merah Putih Streaming

Waiting for Saturday

Waiting to inaugurate the new political laboratory of ideas subsidiaries, Luciano Azzolini talks about New Ways! Listen to the interview

How To Buy Plan. B At Walmart

Women and Men toward new

publish the following article appeared shoulder on Monday, November 22 The Trentino, signed by George Pauline co-founder of New Ways. Happy reading!

Dear Editor,
I read with great attention, as often happens to me, today's your speech about the "return policy" in Trentino. I refer to it to mean that the effort you too, just in that light, not a handful of people are doing for some time to come back to talk and discuss politics in this country, questioning the future of the thirty companies on the its economic and social development, on the evolution of its institutional setting. Our fact - namely the Association Nuovevie that we have established with others - that is a contribution to political debate, as to you, we too will appear for some time feeble - since it is directed more to do than to think - and that many times, most recently in the survey on the new ruling class, has been invoked in this newspaper. A debate, our, and a proposal whose sole purpose - believe it or not - is geared to sew a fabric, resume the thread of a discourse and reasoning which gradually passed the stage of rooting for this or that part for this or that corner, a common ground can reconsolidation of civil and political interests of this land we love and to which we are deeply connected according to values \u200b\u200bof freedom, democracy, solidarity and participation of all its government, as well as to "understanding" problems, many who are struggling in it. And since those who love something or someone look after it every day, defends, protects, or guess the future and trying to avert the potential risk or harm, we believe that we can not shirk their duty to take care of our land, to know, understand, because knowledge prepares love and love is essential to be able to take care.
So it is that we gathered to reflect on the possibilities and responsibilities that each of us has to contribute, first of all, to improve the community in which fortunately for us we live through it and this our unfortunate country torn to shreds. So it is that we asked ourselves - because it is a duty and a right as well - "how to take care" of many issues, this region and its future and on which today puts us at the same time challenges us and on the "how come out together "in the wake of the history of civilization and democracy that characterizes it. If this is a return to politics, and policy debates, well, we at Nuovevie , we do so for some time, because, for all time is "conducive" to do so.
As you well know, in fact, my manager, there is a time for all time and there is a "propitious" for every action. There is a time to scatter stones and one to collect them, to demolish a building and one for one for a silent and to speak, one by one to reflect and dream. We believe that this is a time "conducive" to return to hope against all desire to deliver the political commitment to those who think they can pull it according to criteria of territorial or self-interest.
In a time when every where everything is created and everything is destroyed, everything is decided and everything happens according to the logic of single men under the command or, worse (and that most sorry), or allowed to remain "just dramatically," we are convinced that we need to rediscover a sense, strong participation, redefining new areas such as civil and political points of elaboration of thought and debate, meeting places and dialectical high and strong face to free energies slumbering in time, involving them in all those who have not yet been lazy in soul and mind, wish to engage expressing their choices and their beliefs, speak out publicly defending the values \u200b\u200bbut that this should " fear "that this could impair their work or their profession. Each of us, moreover, has a duty to deal with this that comes under our noses, if not, as has been said, might as well stay and watch the sea believing that poets.
Our commitment is also aimed at re-emerge from silence to those who continued to practice the policy karst, with dedication, passion and hope, trying to build together a network of such attendance to express diversity and richness of our communities and their territories that still remains.
For this we turn to those who want to share the effort of search for ways most appropriate for advancing towards an ever more satisfying for the good of this land that welcomes even those not born in it. This land policy that has produced some myth, some leaders and many soldiers of fortune, but today, "also" need to go to dare, to "rebuild", to "rethink the future and not only, as case, only the leaders to replace, but rather representing them as a community rooted in a land blessed by God redesigning itself - perhaps, yes, rediscovering some Myth - a future project in line with the men and women live his streets, its paths, its mountains, and that does not happen that the important things that most take place without them knowing it and does not happen - God forbid - to make you understand that you need to talk more strong, for if the voice becomes weak at the end, you run the risk of completely silent and, as we know, is not to kill the noise, but silence.
We believe that short even in this land, rediscovering gentleness and courage, we need to go further: in addition to the existing lazy and soulless, and full review of the daily routine. To these people we would like to turn. Because of these people is no need. People, women and men "new" as "new" should be the "routes" to discover and rediscover, able to live their civil commitment and the possible political commitment without nostalgia but as a real service and not as a form of " Opportunities staff. We say that today, looking for a new ruling class, there is a need for women and men "new" certain forms, duly prepared, but, above all, are men and women who do not know for the continuity of their presence or the ruthlessness with which change friends, passions and "current." That does not reduce politics to the slaughter of people and that the comparison you make a point of honor. New men for whom passion and are thought before action. Cradling passions that can provide the horizons and not cold and grim cynicism. Who knows the right time to get them on the sidelines knowing the difference between thought and thought for themselves for all. Women and men who still believe in politics not as a profession in which a living, but as a set of ideas which prefigures the future to win the fight together and not for the glory of the individual. New women and men dealing things not in public private dialogue, as if "their things", and otherwise negotiate in the real public dialogue they being all things to all explaining that business "means not private ones, they know the difference between business public and its business, including the right behavior and corrupt. Men and women who know how to intelligently understand the criticism and the arguments of others, one being a gift that always s'accompagna tolerance, the other being (critical thinking) a gift that features free and strong men. Men and women who view themselves as a substitute for the Community which has chosen them, that the word "please" know how to add just a little "for" when they ask someone something and not when in fact they "allow" something to someone.
In this sense, therefore, should re-putting in our game as we try to do at the end of this week at our conference in Arco. Our commitment is to people, "Canute and tired", but above that of many young people, gathered in the "Compass" Ala, have long put off his face expressing themselves in important institutional and policy proposals and that every day, tuning with men and women of their time, undertake to find a way to give birth to more good things for this land having at heart, in fact, not only the most overall fate of the country, but also the destiny of this part of 'Italy, which is not closed within its own borders, is democratically more mature, more dynamic, more participatory, more inclusive, more distant from those egos that appear in it for some time taking root.
We know the toil and roughness of the trail, but for those who go to sleep at night (for real) only company in the hope of new heavens and a new earth, it is impossible to resign: they, in fact, not having the right to lazy, can not (can not) escape the fatigue of travel.

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Penguins Frosty Waiting for Christmas - Christmas Penguins Pendants and key-rings

There are three and they are great friends!
Three penguins shivering and this fitted cap are waiting for you!
are two pendants and a is a keychain.
All three hand-crafted in polymer clay and metal components or silver plated hypoallergenic metal.
soon for sale in my Etsy shop
remember that if you want you can even request information by sending an email to

Friday, November 19, 2010

Hair Removal For Men In Brampton

abortion pill RU486: the loneliness of a choice.

"Many women are asking, will give birth to a son, why? Why is hungry, because I have cool, because being betrayed and offended because dies killed by war or disease? And they deny the hope that his hunger is satisfied, that his cold is warmed, the loyalty and respect are the friends who live a long time to try to remove disease and war. "Oriana Fallaci writes in his famous book "Letter to a Child Never Born," a dramatic monologue about love, life, family and abortion. And these days the issue of abortion back to turn the hearts politicians and citizens. On 26 November, in fact, the Senate Health Committee approved, by majority, the final document of the hearings on the abortion pill presented by the chairman and rapporteur Antonio Tomassini. The stop to the marketing of RU486 is motivated by too many dark spots on the effects of providing the drug to the woman's health.
are too few and vague information circulating about this new drug and women are led to believe that medical abortion is a quick and easy solution to the "problem" trivializing abortion as if it were a walk. I think it is important to adequately inform women who are facing a difficult situation as the voluntary interruption of pregnancy.
The medical abortion is to acquire two drugs: mifepristone which blocks pregnancy by blocking the synthesis of the hormone progesterone, which is responsible for the development of the fetus and Prostalgina, administered two days later, which causes uterine contractions and the subsequent expulsion of fetus. After taking this drug remains the only pending expulsion of the fetus. About two weeks later you must do a check to verify the total expulsion, otherwise you will need a surgical excision.
Usually after the administration of the drugs you are having a little more painful abdominal cramps and menstrual cramps would stop in few days. Otherwise they will be given painkillers. After the expulsion of the fetus there will be more abundant bleeding of a menstrual period and will last nine days or more. Taking Prostalgina may cause nausea and diarrhea passengers.
But we must not think that the pharmacological approach is necessarily better than the surgery only because it is less invasive, each has its pros and cons and it is only the woman who intends to have an abortion to decide what is best for you. It 'important that the woman who comes to this choice tell you about the different procedures that are both safe and effective. In fact, the differences are not great and it is right to take them briefly considered.
- The medical abortion can be performed by the seventh week, while the surgery from the seventh week and before the twelfth.
- If performed under anesthesia, the voluntary termination of pregnancy can not be lived consciously with the surgical method, while the drug has always lived consciously, especially during the period of waiting deportation.
- The loss and pain due to the interruption of pregnancy are much more intense and prolonged the pharmacological method, whereas in the surgical undergoes an operation.
- The operation is planned and for twenty minutes while the drug is an expectation of completion of two weeks.
The marketing of RU486 by AIFA, although it is already used for some time in many European countries, has triggered a series of conflicting reactions reactivated the issue of abortion. The abortion pill
removes responsibility from the doctors, leaving women to themselves, without physical or psychological support. The stories of abortions they all speak of a great loneliness and a heavy sense of emptiness and irreparable loss.
Carlucci, a lawmaker of the PDL, speaks of "do it yourself abortion" while abortion is a delicate choice and every woman who is found to do so it must be assisted and cared for. It 'important that it be in hospital under medical supervision and psychological support, in accordance with law 194.
There is too much political fury of the debate on RU486, and this situation, as the University Centre for Bioethics at the Catholic University, directed by Professor Adriano Pessina, "highlights the need for the voluntary moratorium on abortion becomes concretely in the work of removing the causes that allow it. Today, among these causes, the most important seems to be not economic but cultural, that led to the disengagement of society, the disappearance of the figure and the father's responsibility, who has accepted a line of indifference which in fact leads to the existential loneliness of mothers who choose to abort. "
The most important thing is not siding with or against the abortion pill or abortion, but focus on sex education, ethics, moral and sentimental youth.
We must fight for information and assistance before anything else.
The real problem with RU486 is not so much whether it is right or not to trade, but how it will be used and why. It 'important that the use of the drug is strictly controlled because it is a simple way there is a risk to take lightly as it is still an abortion and then a difficult situation both physically and psychologically. And a pill will make it less traumatic. Unfortunately, we risk an increase in illegal abortions done at home because of incompetent doctors with serious risks for mothers who do not follow unconsciously.
would be enough that people were more serious and reliable and there were all these problems, each one could choose according to their conscience.
But abortion today is taken far too lightly and the marketing of RU486 is likely to fuel this trend. Women cry
the right to freedom of choice but the poor creature in her womb and who has no guilt and no one is killed it is worried about what he could want. Who gives the right to decide the lives of others?
I do not want a crusade against abortion, each is free to decide for himself. But if a woman decides to abort it is imperative that become aware of what he is doing, without finding shortcuts to ease their selfish choice. The claim that the first three months of life is not just an excuse to ease the conscience. Seeing pictures of a fetus than a month you realize that even if your child is already tiny and the struggle for life.
I think that many people use the excuse of being young and not having the right financial support and then decide to have an abortion "for the good of the child" is pure hypocrisy. What is really important for a person? Give him a chance to live or to kill an attachment to consumerism?
Go a few days in an orphanage in Romania and Russia and look at those poor children alone, without love or care, not just with toys and clothes. You will see how they will send you love for life.
are few real cases of economic problems and nowadays there are plenty of aid for single mothers in need. Just call the Social Services of the Municipality of Residence and Province or aid associations (there are many in Italy) such as the Community Pope John XXIII. Every woman has the right to physical and psychological assistance to a family in a house during and after pregnancy, after birth, an economic aid and facilities to place the child in a nursery. In
Or there's always the possibility of its adoption. Anyone can give birth anonymously without acknowledging his son.
Among the many testimonies I've read and heard, most of remorse, grief and loneliness, I hit those girls who felt they were forced to terminate the pregnancy against their will, for fear of those who do know their parents and who as required by the family or boyfriend.
The law protects women and forbids anyone to impose abortion on a woman who does not want it, whether adults or minors. A mother of any age, freedom of choice. Remember that abortion is an irreversible action that will accompany you throughout life. The worst
I have shocked are those in which women, often married or with other children, who decide to have abortions just to go on vacation or because pregnant lover. It happens more often than you think.
A concrete example can also be found in the autobiography of Valeria Marini "private lessons". The famous Showgirl admits having had an abortion three times during his life, without ever giving a very valid explanation. The first fourteen years, when she was pregnant by a thirty. After this experience should be more careful but the following two unexpected pregnancies were the result of the love between you and Vittorio Cecchi Gori. "For a month I had the cycle and was certain to finally be pregnant, but One evening, after yet another fight, I had a terrible hemorrhage. I have not even made the hospital. Then it happened again when I was willing to sacrifice, but when I gave the news to Victor, his response was, 'How do we go sailing? "' ... And so trivial and insignificant reasons for this had an abortion, despite states that still ardently desires a son.
And similar cases unfortunately there are many.
I think if a girl decides to be ready to go to bed with her boyfriend then it must also be mature enough to take responsibility for his actions.
Today is full of all kinds of contraceptives and advice abound in Italy where adolescent gynecologists, obstetricians and psychologists are willing to give all the aid and advice you need for free and anonymously. And in the unlikely event that, despite the attention, something went wrong, there's always the morning-after pill (obviously to be used only in case of an emergency and to avoid as much as possible because it can cause serious problems if used more than 3 times).
If you only used a little 'more attention to girls who would come to pose the problem of abortion would be much more rare. Love must be lived with brain and consciousness, especially if there is a risk of bringing in a difficult situation such as unexpected pregnancies.
"Freedom 'is a duty, and right before a 'duty. But nothing and 'preferred to suffer? I even pauses to cry about my failures, my disappointments, my tortures, I conclude that suffering is preferable to nothing. If one dies it means that he was born, that came out of nothing, and nothing is worse than nothing: the ugly is not to say there was. "(From" Letter to a Child Never Born "by Oriana Fallaci).

Monday, November 15, 2010

‘wagle Ki Duniya’


How to reach the casino arch, follow the link to the picture of Venue

a reservation is required, download the membership form, complete it and send it by A fax or mail NuoveVie (0461.230836)

For those who want to eat and / or stay in Arco, Nuovevie has signed an agreement for board and lodging with the hotel Olivo:

menu at the restaurant for the Hotel Olivo 27 days

Buffet lunch:


Rice Viennese
Bruschetta with Speck
veal with tuna sauce Grilled vegetables flavored with basil


Mozzarella cheese fries
Mixed Canapes and sfogliatelle

risotto with radicchio
Spallotta veal roast vegetable caponata

Cup fresh fruit salad


risotto with saffron
Beef Baked Potatoes Zucchini
chocolate mousse

menu of the day 28


Tortelloni homemade rocket at Montasio and seasoned with white butter
Pork tenderloin with balsamic vinegar and pine nuts
potatoes rosmatino
bunch of green beans
pie carrots and almonds with caramel sauce

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Organizational Chart Of Fron Office Department

around the corner ...

around the corner is perhaps
A new road or a secret gate;
Often I pulled over, but who knows,
Finally the day comes, And I'll
conducted by Fortune
East of the Sun, West of the Moon.

JRR Tolkien's "Lord of the Rings"

Inaugoro so my first blog with a beautiful quote from Tolkien, my favorite writer. Why name my blog "The secret portal? Because in this blog I will talk mainly of books which are portals to new worlds for me. When I open a book I never know where it will lead me, by what means and what adventures, or characters that meet. Whether it's a pleasant trip or not, it will accompany me for part of my life and leave something inside of me.
But the portals are infinite and mysterious, and then you can find any type of post, from personal reflections to interviews with authors, film, theater, mythology and art. Because life and imagination are made of many facets and my desire is to open a window into what I'm passionate about or just crossing my path.
Mae govannen to all those I meet on my journey, whether it be a life for a year for a day or a couple of sentences in ink ...

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Nitration Hydroquinone

Robert Peroni Michele Lepera award Chatwin 2010

The Story ' Weightless ', an impression of Travel Ammassalik in eastern Greenland, Michele Lepera won first prize at the travel stories - fiction section - the prestigious Premio Chatwin .

Chatwin Award "Walking the World" is the only cultural event dedicated to the great English writer and traveler, with exclusive - granted to the widow Elizabeth - to spread in Italy and abroad memory the works and thought of Bruce Chatwin to promoting and spreading the culture of travel.

The competition that attracts competitors from various regions of Europe, who share with their videos, stories, photos, this year was chaired by the writer Ermanno Rea
and photojournalist Mario Dondero .
The jury consists of: Mark
Aime (anthropologist, writer), Ambrogio Borsani (writer), Joseph Cederna (actor, writer), Maurizio Garofalo (photoeditor ), Ferruccio Giromini (historic image), Massimo Luconi (director), Sandra Petrignani (journalist, writer), Giovanni Scipioni (journalist), Silvestro Serra (journalist) .
The awards in the closing day of the 2010,
to be held in Genoa Saturday, November 20, will see the delivery of special awards to prominent figures of the Italian and international cultural landscape.

These include: Cees Noteboom, the photographer Ivo Sagle; musician Vinicius Capossela, the actor Paul Briguglia in place of Rocco Papaleo; Flaviano Bianchini, special mention 'the best book of the year', with the book "In Tibet".
will be present each year as Elizabeth Chatwin, widow of Bruce Chatwin and sponsor of the Award.

Left: The Grand Council in the Palazzo Ducale - Right: The awarding of Michael Lepera

Ammassalik Michele was the first trip Project Italiammassalik in the summer of 2010, and during that trip, in contact with the total isolation, he heard the perfume of the soul of this population sincere and friendly, and the silence of this world still primitive, and now works for its preservation by providing their professional skills as a photographer and graphic designer.

The village is talking about at the beginning of the story is Tiniteqilaaq the edge of the world, and steps are the steps of rusty iron ladder leading to the pier.

At this link you can read the whole story.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Alison Krauss Tour Australia

Where the Heart Is

Saturday 27
Sunday 28

Saturday, November 27 / morning

9.00 Arrival of conference participants

A policy in search of an author
9.30 Opening
A legacy of investing: A new start for tomorrow's Trentino, analysis and perspectives. ;
Luciano Azzolini
10.30 or participatory democracy or not: the revolving door to the proliferation of public agencies, from the outskirts of Valley Community re-launch!
Alessandro Andreatta, Dalfovo Arrigo, Gios Geremia, Flavio Mosconi, Donata Sartori, Marino Simoni
Coordinator Daniel Zanoni.

Debate and lunch to follow

--------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------

Saturday, November 27 / afternoon

Trentino knows that risk
15.00 The company that provided walking alone ... ;
... the word to the protagonists.
Cesare Cattani, Anna Rosa Donini, Stefano Odorizzi, Mosna Diego, Giordano Tamanini
Coordinator Robert Colletti

Trento and Bolzano: more than indifference

17.30 between past and present: the future autonomy
Elmar Pichler Rolle and Flavio Mengoni
Coordinator Paolo Mantovani
Discussion and Dinner to follow

a compass to find
20.30 A new ruling class?
Young people bring us face: from the training efforts direct experience of Ala and more ...
Patrick Ballardini, Castelpietra Cesare, Andrea Fracchetti, Corrado Pinter, Francesco
Coordinator Sandra Tafner

---------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------

Sunday, November 28 / morning

8,30 Mass - Capuchin Fathers at the monastery, Viale S. Francis 3

Trentino: it's easy to say reforms
9.30 After the pact of London: a new statute?
and Gianni Lorenzo Dellai Kessler
Coordinator Fabrizio Franchi

10.30 Trentino today and tomorrow, and potential risks ...
... the word to the editor:
Alberto Faustini, Enrico Franco, Pierangelo Giovanetti, Marco Zeni
coordinates Luciano Azzolini


Closing session
Rediscovering the role of politics: how to get out "together" by the difficulties, the future commitments
Gianni Benedetti

Lunch and greetings to follow ;
--------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------

Alessandro Andreatta - Mayor of Trento
Luciano Azzolini - Nuovevie
Ballardini Patrick - Chairman of the Community of Giudicarie
Gianni Benedetti - Nuovevie
Caesar Castelpietra - Mayor City of Carzano
Cesare Cattani - Entrepreneur craftsman
Robert Colletti - Journalist
Arrigo Dalfovo - Provincial President of ACLI
Dellai Lorenzo - President of the Autonomous Province of Trento
Anna Rosa Donis - Entrepreneur hotel
Alberto Faustini - Director of the newspaper "Trentino"
Andrea Fracchetti - Head of the Municipality of Ala
Fabrizio Franchi - Regional President of the Order of Journalists
Enrico Franco - Director of the newspaper "Corriere del Trentino"
Geremia Gios - University Professor
Pierangelo Giovannetti - Director of the newspaper "L'Adige"
John Kessler - Chairman of the Autonomous Province of Trento
Paul Mantovani - Journalist
Flavio Mengoni - former President of the Autonomous Province of Trento
Flavio Mosconi - former President of the Commission on 12
Diego Mosna - Entrepreneur industrial
Stefano Odorizzi - Managing
Elmar Pichler Rolle - Parent SVP - Council of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano
Corrado Pinter - Founder of the "Compass"
Donata Sartori - Chairman of the Community of Paganella
Marino Simoni - Chairman of the Board of Autonomy Province of Trento
Sandra Tafner - Journalist
Jordan Tamanini - Entrepreneur computer
Francis Flywheels - Municipal Council of the Municipality of Rovereto
Danilo Zanoni - Nuovevie
Marco Zeni - Director the weekly "Life Trentina

Monday, November 8, 2010

How To Make A Saxopne Out Of Paper

Bracelet Rock! - Rock Style Bracelet Charm Bracelet

Ladies and gentlemen ,
here comes a new bracelet style rocker!
chain is composed of metal components and non-allergic, red and black glass beads, a metal charms.
From now you can buy on Etsy !

A new bracelet

Sunday, November 7, 2010

How To Make Gun Barrel 0.22

Robert Peroni Red House: a web site to visit to catch

the site of Red House , Robert Peroni, can be found, as well as interesting information on the region of Ammassalik, a portfolio of photographs taken by explorers, travelers, photographers, which give, with beautiful shots, the vision of landscapes and moments of incomparable beauty. Link to this
can visit the photo gallery, and all web pages of the site.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Best Mix Formats In Car Dvd Player

in Pearl Blue Felt - Felt

born from my passion of mixing materials! This refers to the colors of the night and I think it's also a bit 'romantic ... Here
for sale on Etsy and Italian on Miss Hobby

Monday, November 1, 2010

Japanese Subway Rape Vids

Famine in East Greenland

Sermiligaaq, whose name means the beautiful fjord iced is one of the poorest countries of Ammassalik.
has always supported the sale of fish, but that 2010 was a year of great famine, and the establishment of working fish has been closed.
Here, as in Tiniteqilaaq and other small villages, the proceeds from the sale of fish have disappeared.
The survival of these small populations is now left with only seals that can hunt and the government subsidy.

(from: )

"They cut his throat with a hunting knife"
Robert Peroni is clear on this point. If something does not change soon, by the summer of 2012 will remain only a few hundred in the Inuit village of Tasiilaq.
E 'is therefore necessary that governments, environmental organizations and the Inuit converse to find a common agreement, and a more inclusive vision of the native point of view.

"In the autumn, a hunter from a coastal village invited me to his inauguration.
I accepted the invitation and after the usual preparations we started traveling with his motor launch.
It 's a long trip, which takes almost a whole day.
At one point, the Inuit, having seen from a distance the little head of a seal, I passed the driving engine Please help us to capture the animal.
Asked superficially I said yes, but inside my heart I root for the seals. I was hoping it disappeared. The did away with it. And so was. The little voice
pacifist and environmentalist in me surfaced had won.
At the village, I met a dozen people on the beach. There were a group of young children, and also the elderly. They smiled at first glance, that my visit had broken the usual routine. Unfortunately
dinner time, the terrible truth was revealed.
From hand to hand, passed a long bone of a fish that was now almost been completely ravaged.
then discovered that people had not eaten, really eaten for days. None of them confided to a moan. Only an occasional smile from the lips hurt silence.
Then I understood.
I understood from the inside, that my semi-conscious boycott the capture of seals, had a direct impact on that rock of lost people.
I had brought them from hunger.
Fame now that I share, and that already the second day I could not bear.
stumbled upon a bar of chocolate in the pocket of a jacket, I ate it in secret. Although the relentless hunger returned after a few hours. Ate the stomach and the heart.
I just have to act. I started the engine of the spear to return to Tasiilaq. I went to get something to eat for those poor people. It took me days to go and return. On my return the empty stomachs were even more (after a week), but there was still an occasional smile on the faces and the usual inscrutable silence. "