These days, three small events overlapped and, although it has nothing to do with each other, a small wire connects them. The first two are public and appear in newspapers today: The photo of the skeleton dell'ecomostro Punta Perotti in Bari and the photo of the burning skyscraper in Shanghai, the third is about privacy and the logo of the Dolomites.
clarify the link soon. My firm has participated in the contest for the Dolomites and, frankly, seemed out of place in the heat of the controversy unleashed on the final choice. A cold, the analysis can be more focused and rational. I hang up, here, to the above. For work, we have to play on a printed new sponsorship of the Dolomites on a smaller scale, but not too much. The Foundation sent us the logo and proceed to a "test drive" is so called offset printing test.
few weeks ago, just saw the brand winner, we wondered how it would be possible to reduce it in scale without losing definition: those wires and the plot would certainly be "mixed." In fact, the test print was a disaster: the brand and its thick fillets 0.05 mm looks like a pile of snow with a red background decorated with small pine trees blurred. Unusable. My client, given the controversy, is concerned that the accused is improper. We ask the Foundation logo easier to read and send us back to first, with details to be printed in not smaller than 2 cm. We'll see what happens. I am confident in the skill of the printer.
few weeks ago, just saw the brand winner, we wondered how it would be possible to reduce it in scale without losing definition: those wires and the plot would certainly be "mixed." In fact, the test print was a disaster: the brand and its thick fillets 0.05 mm looks like a pile of snow with a red background decorated with small pine trees blurred. Unusable. My client, given the controversy, is concerned that the accused is improper. We ask the Foundation logo easier to read and send us back to first, with details to be printed in not smaller than 2 cm. We'll see what happens. I am confident in the skill of the printer.
Then I see the two photos I mentioned at the beginning. Two skeletons, one shot down, thankfully, to Punta Perotti, and one consumed by fire, the skyscraper in Shanghai. One, a skeleton of concrete demolished with explosives, the other one steel skeleton exposed by the fire that consumes him, an architecture that first hour was a symbol, a representation of an expanding economy, is now just an empty structure was burnt down with her, unfortunately, full of victims. This is the same, I say, and a series of images are formed in the mind: that's what those towers are the logo of the Dolomites! They are eco-monsters, no modern-metropolitan structures, the skeletons are still witnessing the wickedness of human stupidity. Far from the majesty of the mountains, the beauty and mystery of the 'endosadira ", the voltage of metamorphic rock in its layers, the passions and traditions that the Dolomites enclose and causing the visitors. Indeed, if it looks good the logo depicts, in a delirious structure, the three Peaks, plus a fourth, to the left. A good starting point for originality.
It was also undermined the delicate and profound thought of Moni Ovadia who invited us, as recently as last summer, to perceive the Dolomites in their essence, in the majesty and grandeur together, to "... approach them with humility, feeling foreign, to go up ... not to conquer. "
But what were the organizers? Were aware of what we require? And the jury, what was thinking when examining the work, knew what to ask for the ban? It was not too much effort to think, I think, if in a week, as stated by the same jury members, examined more than 450 papers: no more than 3-4 minutes each, given 6 days to 8 hours a day. But what is demanded, we who have taken part: that they read all the reports, one by one and gets excited every time for the poetry of what we've written? And what does the city planning department with a plan for graphic design? Ah ... I forgot: the engineers and architects, as proclaimed genes (also applies to me as an architect) since graduation, can bestow reviews on each subject. And what about the marketing people, "Centurions" of market choices and stone heads on the ground that mental agility, which in their sole discretion to decree the best solution, the worst of another? And what about the directors, those councilors that smile of circumstance defend the choice of a logo unpresentable before instampabile, only not to lose face in the Autonomous Province of Trento, which has taken on the burden of managing the competition and that you have not noticed the slightest opportunity that he lost? And what of those councilors who are ready to give assignments galore external consultants, avoid doing the obvious thing: to give life to a panel of real experts in graphic design, including at least one prominent name in the same place emphasis on the international competition?
Unfortunately there is not a professional sector that can ensure competent jury, because the point is this: that the jury had jurisdiction in terms of ability to choose?. The architect? The marketing men appointed by the different provinces? The commissioners "competent"? But let me pleasure! All people who, as regards the rich Trentino, runs fine for the Promotion of millions but can not see the many treasures of this earth, who can not create a network between tourism and business, including wine and architecture, nature conservation and economic interests, and forget that the true economic interest is just the conservation of nature, from the marks which must symbolize.
Certainly the presumption is that the "public" (meaning men of the public) is really embarrassing.
With arrogance and complacency defend their acquired rights but do not look small and do not see the interest of all. The real one, not the fine phrases. But perhaps it is in the public interest to spend € 45,000 plus expenses for a contest with this?
Then if the design and communication in Trentino are still considered only as a small drawing, art sometimes (!?), or more for a good theme for art school class, because there is are many journeyman, who crowd the waiting rooms. We are in the middle ages, Trentino for designers who work outside the province a lot, like me, or advertising agencies that are seen often outdated by the European Group. He could win quite a mark, even if not designed by a local study, of course, perhaps not shared by everyone, but high quality ideational: we won it all. Too bad, missed opportunity, a further demonstration that we were a small province.
Nainer Pio - Nuovevie
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