Monday, November 22, 2010

How To Buy Plan. B At Walmart

Women and Men toward new

publish the following article appeared shoulder on Monday, November 22 The Trentino, signed by George Pauline co-founder of New Ways. Happy reading!

Dear Editor,
I read with great attention, as often happens to me, today's your speech about the "return policy" in Trentino. I refer to it to mean that the effort you too, just in that light, not a handful of people are doing for some time to come back to talk and discuss politics in this country, questioning the future of the thirty companies on the its economic and social development, on the evolution of its institutional setting. Our fact - namely the Association Nuovevie that we have established with others - that is a contribution to political debate, as to you, we too will appear for some time feeble - since it is directed more to do than to think - and that many times, most recently in the survey on the new ruling class, has been invoked in this newspaper. A debate, our, and a proposal whose sole purpose - believe it or not - is geared to sew a fabric, resume the thread of a discourse and reasoning which gradually passed the stage of rooting for this or that part for this or that corner, a common ground can reconsolidation of civil and political interests of this land we love and to which we are deeply connected according to values \u200b\u200bof freedom, democracy, solidarity and participation of all its government, as well as to "understanding" problems, many who are struggling in it. And since those who love something or someone look after it every day, defends, protects, or guess the future and trying to avert the potential risk or harm, we believe that we can not shirk their duty to take care of our land, to know, understand, because knowledge prepares love and love is essential to be able to take care.
So it is that we gathered to reflect on the possibilities and responsibilities that each of us has to contribute, first of all, to improve the community in which fortunately for us we live through it and this our unfortunate country torn to shreds. So it is that we asked ourselves - because it is a duty and a right as well - "how to take care" of many issues, this region and its future and on which today puts us at the same time challenges us and on the "how come out together "in the wake of the history of civilization and democracy that characterizes it. If this is a return to politics, and policy debates, well, we at Nuovevie , we do so for some time, because, for all time is "conducive" to do so.
As you well know, in fact, my manager, there is a time for all time and there is a "propitious" for every action. There is a time to scatter stones and one to collect them, to demolish a building and one for one for a silent and to speak, one by one to reflect and dream. We believe that this is a time "conducive" to return to hope against all desire to deliver the political commitment to those who think they can pull it according to criteria of territorial or self-interest.
In a time when every where everything is created and everything is destroyed, everything is decided and everything happens according to the logic of single men under the command or, worse (and that most sorry), or allowed to remain "just dramatically," we are convinced that we need to rediscover a sense, strong participation, redefining new areas such as civil and political points of elaboration of thought and debate, meeting places and dialectical high and strong face to free energies slumbering in time, involving them in all those who have not yet been lazy in soul and mind, wish to engage expressing their choices and their beliefs, speak out publicly defending the values \u200b\u200bbut that this should " fear "that this could impair their work or their profession. Each of us, moreover, has a duty to deal with this that comes under our noses, if not, as has been said, might as well stay and watch the sea believing that poets.
Our commitment is also aimed at re-emerge from silence to those who continued to practice the policy karst, with dedication, passion and hope, trying to build together a network of such attendance to express diversity and richness of our communities and their territories that still remains.
For this we turn to those who want to share the effort of search for ways most appropriate for advancing towards an ever more satisfying for the good of this land that welcomes even those not born in it. This land policy that has produced some myth, some leaders and many soldiers of fortune, but today, "also" need to go to dare, to "rebuild", to "rethink the future and not only, as case, only the leaders to replace, but rather representing them as a community rooted in a land blessed by God redesigning itself - perhaps, yes, rediscovering some Myth - a future project in line with the men and women live his streets, its paths, its mountains, and that does not happen that the important things that most take place without them knowing it and does not happen - God forbid - to make you understand that you need to talk more strong, for if the voice becomes weak at the end, you run the risk of completely silent and, as we know, is not to kill the noise, but silence.
We believe that short even in this land, rediscovering gentleness and courage, we need to go further: in addition to the existing lazy and soulless, and full review of the daily routine. To these people we would like to turn. Because of these people is no need. People, women and men "new" as "new" should be the "routes" to discover and rediscover, able to live their civil commitment and the possible political commitment without nostalgia but as a real service and not as a form of " Opportunities staff. We say that today, looking for a new ruling class, there is a need for women and men "new" certain forms, duly prepared, but, above all, are men and women who do not know for the continuity of their presence or the ruthlessness with which change friends, passions and "current." That does not reduce politics to the slaughter of people and that the comparison you make a point of honor. New men for whom passion and are thought before action. Cradling passions that can provide the horizons and not cold and grim cynicism. Who knows the right time to get them on the sidelines knowing the difference between thought and thought for themselves for all. Women and men who still believe in politics not as a profession in which a living, but as a set of ideas which prefigures the future to win the fight together and not for the glory of the individual. New women and men dealing things not in public private dialogue, as if "their things", and otherwise negotiate in the real public dialogue they being all things to all explaining that business "means not private ones, they know the difference between business public and its business, including the right behavior and corrupt. Men and women who know how to intelligently understand the criticism and the arguments of others, one being a gift that always s'accompagna tolerance, the other being (critical thinking) a gift that features free and strong men. Men and women who view themselves as a substitute for the Community which has chosen them, that the word "please" know how to add just a little "for" when they ask someone something and not when in fact they "allow" something to someone.
In this sense, therefore, should re-putting in our game as we try to do at the end of this week at our conference in Arco. Our commitment is to people, "Canute and tired", but above that of many young people, gathered in the "Compass" Ala, have long put off his face expressing themselves in important institutional and policy proposals and that every day, tuning with men and women of their time, undertake to find a way to give birth to more good things for this land having at heart, in fact, not only the most overall fate of the country, but also the destiny of this part of 'Italy, which is not closed within its own borders, is democratically more mature, more dynamic, more participatory, more inclusive, more distant from those egos that appear in it for some time taking root.
We know the toil and roughness of the trail, but for those who go to sleep at night (for real) only company in the hope of new heavens and a new earth, it is impossible to resign: they, in fact, not having the right to lazy, can not (can not) escape the fatigue of travel.


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