Title: The Omnivore's Dilemma
Author: Michael Pollan
Pages: 320
Price: € 13.50
Output: January
2011 ISBN: 9788809746077
"Michael Pollan decides to improvise" food detective "to learn about the evolution and the secrets hidden behind what we eat, from seed to fruit, from the history of" food with a face "to the processed meat and anatomically unrecognizable.
Thus began a quest that takes him to know social reality, from industrial production to that of the direct producer. Fast food restaurants, supermarkets, factories, slaughterhouses and small farms will become the land of his relentless march toward awareness.
In this journey of discovery but also uncertainty, Pollan will face many experiences that will test, and compromises will have to fight, must stretch their character and learn to hunt and kill for food. But in the end find himself the way for a different relationship with mother nature and will be able to choose how to buy, cook and eat.
His research concludes with a four-course menu where he eventually what's in the pot does not is a dilemma but the story just told. "
REVIEW: This is one of those books I always wanted to read, but I never got to the end. The subject is very interesting about this is not 'is no doubt, but generally prefer novels that take in the end I try more. And I made a huge mistake.
Because this is one of those books to read and despite not being a completely novel and manages to get interested now. The reading rushing and serious and important topic is presented in a simple and direct. A very pleasant reading, which manages to combine masterfully important issues in a peaceful pastime.
not This is an investigation of the negative, but simply an objective analysis of what is the reality of what we eat and will open a world that we wanted to see, but which is essential to know for our own good.
be read by everyone.
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