Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Clipart Telling The Time

"TRENTINO: Metroland is the future? between development plans and infrastructure ... "

Dear Friends,

Nuovevie faithful to the commitment that the Association had hired in late November, in the successful "two days" of Arc, the conclusion of which were announced other information-training sessions on key themes that are the subject of debate for some time in our community, let us now with the second of these meetings to be held in Trento next

February 11 pm 16.30 to 21.00 (with dinner to conclude)

at the Conference Hall of dell'Aerhotel Mattarello and will be entitled:

"TRENTINO: future Metroland? between development plans and infrastructure ... "

is a theme that proposed, certainly now that, over time, has seen crossing different opinions, but whose actual knowledge is a prerequisite to be able to easily orient in the world of" voices " In this regard, chase each other and overlap. Correct information on the theme proposed is, in fact, needed to better understand and share or less, the choices that flow from it and, obviously, are going to impact on the future of our country.

the brochure attached to this post, you will find both the presentation of the conference-workshop, and the details of the arguments, both the distinguished speakers who have expressed their willingness to "be there" and through whose words we will try to fill, deepening, the difference is that information on a project-idea at the heart of local debate.

A debate, our constructive and purposeful that also wants to have his civil function: "Work is, in his small, improvement the quality of our democracy. "

therefore invite you to share, with its Annex, how many other friends, you feel interested, you expect all numerous.

to the promoter group of the Association NUOVEVIE:

Luciano Azzolini, Alessandro Barbacovi, Hans Benedetti, Silvia Debiasi, Donata Gafforio, Manuel Lorenzini, Pio Nainer, Giorgio Paolino, Lorenza Tonelli, Danilo Zanoni.

Association nuovevie
Via Grazioli 75-38122 Trento - Tel: 331 5382357 - Fax: 0461 230 836 - www.nuovevie.net - segreteria@nuovevie.it - \u200b\u200bnuovevietrento.blogspot.com


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