Sunday, February 13, 2011

What Does It Cost To Bowl

Excerpt from the book "Many Lives, One Love" by Brian Weiss.

to each of you is reserved for a special person. Sometimes there are reserved two or three, even four. They may belong to different generations. For incongiungersi with you, they travel across oceans of time and outer space. Dall'altrove come from the sky. Can take many guises, but recognizes your heart. Your heart has already received as part of himself in other places and times, under the full moon of the deserts of Egypt or the ancient plains of Mongolia. You have ridden together leaders in the armies of forgotten by history, have lived together in the sand-covered caves of our ancestors. Among you there is a link that crosses the centuries of time: you'll never be alone.

The intellect is allowed to intervene and say, "I do not know who you are, but the heart knows.

He takes your hand for the first time and the memory of this touch transcends time, and it trembles every atom of your being. She looks you in the eye, and you see a soul mate that you have taken through the centuries. You feel your bowels turn. You get goose bumps. Everything outside of this moment, it loses importance.

He may not even recognize you, even if you've finally met again, even if in fact you know it. But you can feel the bond between you. You can see the charging potential, the future. He may not. His fears, his luggage intellectual, his problems to create a veil over the heart.

And he does not let you help him dispel the veil. T'affliggi you and you suffer, he leaves. Fate can be so delicate.

But when two people accept each other, no volcano that erupts with greater passion. The energy released is enormous.

soul mate recognition can be immediate. There is a sudden feeling of familiarity, of knowing just met this person already, which reaches far beyond the conscious mind.

to know so deeply as usually happens only with the most intimate family members. Or even more. And you already know what to say, and how the other will react. This raises a sense of security and a far greater confidence than you might think to achieve in a single day in a week, a month.

The recognition of the soul can be a subtle and slow process. At first, maybe only a dawning of awareness when the veil is lifted gently. Not everyone is immediately ready to receive the revelation. There is a progression to be met, and maybe that is needed, by those who understand it first, a certain patience.

To make you understand that you face in your own soul mate can be a look, a dream, a memory, a feeling. And this awakening can happen through a touch of his hands or the kiss of her lips, and your soul springs back to life.

The touch that awakens may be that of your child, your parent, brother, or that of a true friend. Or it can be to your delight that comes to you through the centuries, to kiss you again, and remember that you are always together, until the end of time.


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